My favourite day…

Harriet Sullivan
3 min readApr 1, 2021

I’ve always thought I loved Sunday’s, that it was my favourite day of the week, but I have come to realise it isn’t Sunday at all… it’s Monday. The first day of the week, the fresh start, the new beginning, the do-over. How exciting that every Monday we get the chance to start again, make this week, THE WEEK! Every day we wake up with the chance of new opportunities; and on a Monday I feel at my most energised. It’s my day to put into practice the goals and plans I set myself at the end of the previous week.

Embracing change

Even though I have regularly said that change is my weakness, what I really think is lack of control is my weakness. Changes that I haven’t given the all clear, haven't encouraged or planned for, are my issue but I need change to survive. I need the opportunity of newness to keep myself engaged, focused and inspired. With a world constantly changing and a sense of powerlessness to the changes around me, I fear it. But then, opportunity strikes, a flash of inspiration and I feel ready to take on that chance to try again.

People would label me as passionate, loud, artistic, energetic. Even when I am at my most subdued I feel impatient and can’t sit still. Why? Because I need more. My whole body knows there is more and I am tingling with anticipation to what’s next. Since I was a teenager, I’ve always said to my mum I feel I am meant for something greater, but then I never seem to do anything about it. Why should I have to sit and wait for greater to come to me, why not go and live greater.

So this leads me to my first thought of embracing change. A new week instantly brings change; will the weather be different, what plans do I have this week that I didn’t last week and so on… even though it is important to stay true to yourself and not feel pressure to ‘change’, it is also vital to welcome changes to fulfill the wants and desires for your perfect life.

Making the future your present

Society has always taught us to prepare for our future. Think about the next thing ahead. In school it’s the need for good grades to get into further education or get that amazing job that needs a ton of qualifications. Then you graduate, get that amazing job and now it’s time put all your hard earned money into buying a house, getting married and starting a family. Oh but before you do that make sure you have travelled the world and do loads of fun stuff to put on your social media so it looks like you’ve made it. All of these things require so much planning that when you actually do it or achieve it, you’re thinking about the next project and not enjoying the present.

So why not make every day my Monday. The thrill of starting a new day, doing what I want and LIVING THE DREAM. I’ve decided that instead of constantly planning what my future life will be like, I’ll make everyday what I’ve hoped my future will be.

Each day we have endless possibilities to choose the life we want. Life isn’t supposed to be a succession of carefully thought out plans so let us all remember that we have the power to live our best lives now, regardless of what society tells us it should be.

I promise

So here I am starting my journey of making today my “one day”. I have chosen to make promises to myself to always live in a world where every day is my Monday. Where each time I wake up I am surrounded by possibility.

I promise to make each day count.

I promise to live my life true to my needs.

I promise to treat every Monday as a new opportunity.

I promise to live my dreams.

I promise to not lose sight of the present.

I promise to make TODAY my ONE DAY.



Harriet Sullivan

Female. Millennial. Currently processing thoughts and feelings about my purpose and the society I live in, while striving for something more.